Not everyone is blessed with naturally thick eyelashes. While there are a few ways to, there’s no overnight solution except false lashes. Falsies can work wonders in creating the illusion of thicker lashes. They help you achieve that effortless no-make-up look that so many women crave to get. However, you may get several things wrong if you’re new to the world of false lashes. So here are a few do’s and don’ts that will guide you in perfecting false lashes. After this you will know the basic rules of wearing false lashes and how to care for them. Don’t forget to keep practicing till you can perfect the art of applying falsies. You can get a small starter kit with extra lashes for this. Now get started with applying false lashes and enjoy looking fantastic.
Do Don't
1. Wear more dramatic lashes 1. Don't use lashes that too thick for
when wanna go to dinner your eyes
2. Wear a natural pair for 2. Don't rush when wearing lashes and it
Daytime or daily will end up with mistake
3. Choose a lashes 3. Do not wait too long till the glue dry
complement to our shape eyes Enough for 3 sec
4. Use a tweezers when you wanna 4. Do not forget to blend it out with
to put lashes across your eyelid mascara
5. Add eyeliner to cover up 5. Do not wear lashes when your eyes is
glue and make it blend to our real infection or irritated